Saturday, September 24, 2011

Hats and Blankets for Children Charity

Ladies, It is important that we take care of children here in the USA so please support the efforts of Craftsy to provide warmth for our children by donating a hat or blanket or both (and lots of both) to this worthy cause.


Help Craftsy keep a kid warm this winter

Help us collect 1000 blankets and hats to keep kids warm this winter!
We’ve teamed up with a couple of great charities and are really hoping to make a difference in the lives of as many young people as we can.  Whether you knit, crochet, quilt, sew, or are willing to learn, you can help, too!

Our Goal: To collect and donate 1000 blankets to Project Linus and and 1000 hats to Kaps for Kendall by December 15, 2011.
How you can help: Make as many hats and blankets as you feel comfortable donating, and send them to us at this address:
Keep a Kid Warm
c/o Sympoz Inc.
1553 Platte #202
Denver, CO 80202
We will deliver all of your donations to the organizations, and present them in your names.  We’ll keep you posted over the coming weeks as your projects arrive, and let you know how we’re doing on our goal!