Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Knitted Blanket

Hot off my knitting needles....this blanket has been an experience to knit.  I was not able to find knitting needles the size that I wished to use at a reasonable price so I decided to be creative and make my own!.  I am not a wood carver but I am handy with a saw so I purchased a 4ft piece of poplar dowel rod 1 1/2" diameter and I cut it in half.  I then sat and whittled the ends (not the best job I have ever seen!) and sanded them smooth and I was away....

This type of knitting certainly gives your arms a workout but I enjoyed seeing my project grow at an unusual pace.  One of my main concerns was how to join such large yarns together.  My daughter had purchased a felting machine which was being stored in her attic so I pulled it out of storage and started joining!  12 balls later I had the largest ball of yarn I had ever worked with.

My next big blanket will be white and slightly larger in size but think it will be just as interesting as this one has turned out to be.

Sunday, March 6, 2016


For months now I have been promising myself I would attack all of my WIPs that are custom orders.  I am finally down to the end of my WIP orders.  One more capelet to go.  Yarn is hand dyed so will have to do so ball switching so that colors run better but am looking forward to getting it done and to its owner.

I am making myself a list of things to create for a craft fair that is not until November but I am determined to have a large selection of finished items ready to go long before the time is here!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Crochet patterns to try


Try out this blogspot for interesting patterns.

Monday, February 15, 2016



Found this site on my facebook. Thought I would share as they have some wonderful patterns

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Hitch hiker wrap

There are various styles of wraps with this title...some are free patterns and some are paid patterns.  I decided I would write my own pattern so am sharing it here!

I have used all different weights of yarn to make my wraps so use your favorite one. I used needle sizes from US 6 to US8 so tension is by choice!

Main pattern:
Cast on 3 stitches
Knit 1 row
Row 1: slip 1knitwise, k1,yo,k1
Row 2: k2 , yo, k2
Row 3: Sl 1 knit wise, k1, yo, k to end.
Row 4: k to last 2 stitches, yo, k2
Row 5: Sl 1 knit wise, k1, yo, k to end.
Row 6: k to last 2 sts, yo, k2.
Row 7: same as row 5.
Row 8: cast off 5 sts, k to last 2 sts, yo, k2.
This creates first point.
All future points:
Work rows 3 - 7 and then rows 4 & 5 again.
( 7 rows worked in total)
Work row 8.
This completes the second and all future
39 points.
On point 42 work 6 rows of pattern
Final edging starts here:
Next row: Sl 1, k1, *yo, k2tog. Repeat from * to last 2 sts., k2.
Knit 3 rows, slipping first stitch on every row.
Cast off using following method:
*k2tog, return single stitch back to left needle. Repeat from * to end. Pull the yarn through last stitch.