Saturday, February 13, 2016

Hitch hiker wrap

There are various styles of wraps with this title...some are free patterns and some are paid patterns.  I decided I would write my own pattern so am sharing it here!

I have used all different weights of yarn to make my wraps so use your favorite one. I used needle sizes from US 6 to US8 so tension is by choice!

Main pattern:
Cast on 3 stitches
Knit 1 row
Row 1: slip 1knitwise, k1,yo,k1
Row 2: k2 , yo, k2
Row 3: Sl 1 knit wise, k1, yo, k to end.
Row 4: k to last 2 stitches, yo, k2
Row 5: Sl 1 knit wise, k1, yo, k to end.
Row 6: k to last 2 sts, yo, k2.
Row 7: same as row 5.
Row 8: cast off 5 sts, k to last 2 sts, yo, k2.
This creates first point.
All future points:
Work rows 3 - 7 and then rows 4 & 5 again.
( 7 rows worked in total)
Work row 8.
This completes the second and all future
39 points.
On point 42 work 6 rows of pattern
Final edging starts here:
Next row: Sl 1, k1, *yo, k2tog. Repeat from * to last 2 sts., k2.
Knit 3 rows, slipping first stitch on every row.
Cast off using following method:
*k2tog, return single stitch back to left needle. Repeat from * to end. Pull the yarn through last stitch.

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